PrestaShop is a freemium, open source e-commerce platform. The software is published under the Open Software License (OSL). It is written in the PHP programming language with support for the MySQL database management system. PrestaShop is currently used by 300,000 shops worldwide and is available in 60 different languages.
B2B and B2C companies sell their products and services to different audiences, which requires different marketing and sales approaches. B2B and B2C are two acronyms that get thrown around regularly. B2B stands for business-to-business, referring to a type of transaction that takes place between one business and another. B2C stands for business-to-consumer, as in a transaction that takes place between a business and an individual as the end customer.
Description tasks and cost that need will make for 1-step. On this step you will get filled shop with zero prices and stock
# | SELF USE WEB SERVICE | DEVELOP E-SHOP | RENT E-SHOP (without FTP and MYSQL access. You will get access only for backend) |
Prepare server (install host panel, settings remotely access to MYSQL, tuning MYSQL and PHP) | self | free | 100 EUR for tariff plans "SMALL SHOP" or "POPULAR SHOP" |
Install e-shop and themplate | self | free (by default we will install this themplate) | free (by default we will install this themplate) |
Verification e-shop (binding tariff plan to max count brands for use in e-shop) |
monthly fee: [ SMALL SHOP ] - 30 EUR/month [ POPULAR SHOP ] - 50 EUR/month [ BIG SHOP ] - 100 EUR/month |
Prepare data products for selected brands (according necessary count brands for shop) |
[ SMALL SHOP ] - to max 10 brands
[ POPULAR SHOP ] - to max 75 brands [ BIG SHOP ] - to max 250 brands cost for prepare data is included in selected tariff plan |
Import prepared data in e-shop | free | free | free |
Import own products (OE or own brands) on based crossreference info. First must will prepared data products for brands on based which will linking your list own products. | free | free | possible only for tariff plan "BIG SHOP" |
Description tasks and cost that need will make for 2-step. On this step you will get full functionalited e-shop.
Integration custom themplate (correction pages, modules) | self or order service from 200-400 EUR (depend form complexity) | from 200-400 EUR (depend form complexity) | from 500 EUR (depend form complexity) |
Re-design themplate by default (settings color shema, font, place panels and modules) | --- | self with help specific module or order service from 200 EUR | self with help specific module or order service from 200 EUR |
Integration with VIN/KBA/LicensePlate service | we provide free module for shop. Use Use VIN/REGNUM service is paid, where price is from 0.004 to 0.015 EUR/successfull request | we provide free module for shop. Use Use VIN/REGNUM service is paid, where price is from 0.004 to 0.015 EUR/successfull request | we provide free module for shop. Use Use VIN/REGNUM service is paid, where price is from 0.004 to 0.015 EUR/successfull request |
Integration price/stock lists from your suppliers (ftp file or access to API) [B2C E-SHOP] | 50 EUR scripting one time pay + 10 EUR/month support. Cost for each supplier. | 50 EUR scripting one time pay + 10 EUR/month support. Cost for each supplier. |
[ SMALL SHOP ] - free 1 supplier
[ POPULAR SHOP ] - free 2 suppliers [ BIG SHOP ] - free 3 suppliers integration any count next suppliers: 50 EUR scripting one time pay + 10 EUR/month support. Cost for each supplier |
Integration price/stock lists from your suppliers (ftp file or access to API) [B2B E-SHOP] | 100 EUR scripting one time pay + 10 EUR/month support. Cost for each supplier. | 100 EUR scripting one time pay + 10 EUR/month support. Cost for each supplier. |
[ SMALL SHOP ] - free 1 supplier
[ POPULAR SHOP ] - free 2 suppliers [ BIG SHOP ] - free 3 suppliers integration any count next suppliers: 50 EUR scripting one time pay + 10 EUR/month support. Cost for each supplier |
Integration for automove created orders to your other management platform. Update status orders and tracknumber from your management platform to e-shop. | --- | from 500 EUR (depend from complexity) | from 500 EUR (depend from complexity) |
SEO optimization - we will prepare meta info (title, description, keywords) according your needs and tasks. | --- | from 10 EUR/10.000 products or from 100 EUR (depend from count products and complexity) | Free for "BIG SHOP". From 10 EUR/10.000 products or from 100 EUR (depend from count products and complexity) for "SMALL SHOP" or "POPULAR SHOP" |
Module "PRIVATE SHOP". Using for B2B shops. Module provide possibility login only registered clients. | 30 EUR | 30 EUR | is free |
Module "SEO". Using for B2C shops. Modules (included 3 modules: 1-module, 2-module, 3-module ) provide possibility advanced SEO settings | 50 EUR | 50 EUR | Free for "BIG SHOP". 50 EUR for "SMALL SHOP" or "POPULAR SHOP" |
Module "PFAND". Module provide possibility sell products where use mandatory deposit (core/pfand). | 50 EUR | 50 EUR | Free for "BIG SHOP" or "POPULAR SHOP". 50 EUR for "SMALL SHOP" |
Module "CLIENT WALLET". Module provide possibility use internal client balance (client wallet). | 50 EUR | 50 EUR | 50 EUR |
Module "POST DELIVERY". Module provide possibility add different shipping prices for different postal codes. | 30 EUR | 30 EUR | 30 EUR |
Module "MARGIN/DISCOUNT". Module provide possibility make increments, reductions (discounts) and fixed prices with own rules. | 50 EUR | 50 EUR | 50 EUR |
Module "BLOG". Module provide possibility managmenting own blog with good SEO indexation. | 50 EUR | 50 EUR | 50 EUR |
Rent HOST (We providing for our clients the dedicated servers (where will place shops), were on each server use only max 10 hosts) | 15 EUR/month | 15 EUR/month | free |
You just want try hand in the trade in vehicle spare parts? Do you want to evaluate the benefits of your own online store? You do not want to spend money to buy a license at the moment?
We can offer on rent mode the full-featured online store, richly equipped with functions already included in the rental price. You get a website selling auto parts, ready for use, the most convenient for both buyers and managers!
You will get:
Rent online store of spare parts is carried out under the terms of the monthly fee. It is also possible subsequent purchase licensed version of the web shop (move traiff plan from "RENT E-SHOP" on "DEVELOP E-SHOP").
Offer are limited on count shops that will developing. Don't miss the chance to build your own popular web store !
Web shop for sellers, that sell spare parts only several popular or specific manufacturers. Also popular use as B2B solution for resellers manufacturers.
shop will include:
B2C or B2B type shop
Shop with max 1 language
Integrate with VIN/Regnum service ******. Each month additional free 30 requests for use VIN/Regnum service.
Tree categories, panel selecting vehicles, search by VIN/Regnum, search by cross reference numbers (also via EAN and name product), showing specification of pack list, showing terms of applicability products for vehicles
Template default for automotive bussiness *
Module for edit custom design
Free integration with 1 supplier of price/stock list (your own or from supplier)
PRIVATE SHOP module ** (for B2B type shop)
Rent host on our server
Email server on our server (if need). Possible only in case additional IP for your shop.
Support via Email, online Chat
Additional one-time payments:
Additional offers for "SMALL SHOP":
Integrate other template *** - from 500 EUR
Re-design default template - from 200 EUR
Integration additional supplier - 50 EUR scripting + 10 EUR/month support. Possible add any necessary count suppliers
SEO optimizating categories and products **** - 100 EUR
SEO, SITEMAP, GA4 modules ** - 50 EUR
PFAND/DEPOSIT module ** - 50 EUR
MARGIN/DISCOUNT module ** - 50 EUR
CLIENT WALLET module ** - 50 EUR
POST DELIVERY module ** - 50 EUR
BLOG module ** - 50 EUR
Additional IP ***** - 3;EUR/month
Web shop for sellers, that have as minimum one big supplier. The store can accommodate data for all the most popular brands. Popular use for big sellers.
shop will include:
B2C or B2B type shop
Shop with max 1 language
Integrate with VIN/Regnum service ******. Each month additional free 60 requests for use VIN/Regnum service.
Tree categories, panel selecting vehicles, search by VIN/Regnum, search by cross reference numbers (also via EAN and name product), showing specification of pack list, showing terms of applicability products for vehicles
Template default for automotive bussiness *
Module for edit custom design
Free integration with 2 suppliers of price/stock lists
PRIVATE SHOP module ** (for B2B type shop)
Rent host on our server
Email server on our server (if need). Possible only in case additional IP for your shop.
Support via Email, online Chat
-- additional for tariff plan --
Additional one-time payments:
Additional offers for "POPULAR SHOP":
Integrate other template *** - from 500 EUR
Re-design default template - from 200 EUR
Integration additional supplier - 50 EUR scripting + 10 EUR/month support. Possible add any necessary count suppliers
SEO optimizating categories and products **** - 100 EUR
SEO, SITEMAP, GA4 modules ** - 50 EUR
MARGIN/DISCOUNT module ** - 50 EUR
CLIENT WALLET module ** - 50 EUR
POST DELIVERY module ** - 50 EUR
BLOG module ** - 50 EUR
Additional IP ***** - 3 EUR/month
Webshop for big players in automotive business.
shop will include:
B2C or B2B type shop
Shop with max 1 language
Integrate with VIN/Regnum service ******. Each month additional free 300 requests for use VIN/Regnum service.
Tree categories, panel selecting vehicles, search by VIN/Regnum, search by cross reference numbers (also via EAN and name product), showing specification of pack list, showing terms of applicability products for vehicles
Template default for automotive bussiness *
Module for edit custom design
Free integration with 3 suppliers of price/stock lists
PRIVATE SHOP module ** (for B2B type shop)
Rent host on our server
Email server on our server (if need). Possible only in case additional IP for your shop.
Support via Email, online Chat
-- additional for tariff plan --
SEO optimizating categories and products ****
SEO, SITEMAP, GA4 modules **
Additional offers for "BIG SHOP":
Integrate other template *** - from 500 EUR
Re-design default template - from 200 EUR
Integration additional supplier - 50 EUR scripting + 10 EUR/month support. Possible add any necessary count suppliers
MARGIN/DISCOUNT module ** - 50 EUR
CLIENT WALLET module ** - 50 EUR
POST DELIVERY module ** - 50 EUR
BLOG module ** - 50 EUR
Additional IP ***** - 3 EUR/month
Possibility import data for own brand(s) or products OE-manufacturer(s) ******* - cost depedn from task