TABLE DATA CARS (TableCarsXXX.csv) ----- CAR_BRANDS - manufacturer MODEL_CAR - model car *** TYP_CAR - type car (engine data) *** BODY_TYPE - body type *** OF_THE_YEAR - from year for type car UP_TO_A_YEAR - to year for type car KW - kw PM - pm/hp CC - ccm TTC_TYP_ID - id type car (for trucks/commercial vehicles in new versions Tecdoc using NTYPE, for match with TTC_TYP_ID need minus 1,000,000, for example TTC_TYP_ID = 1000054 is same that NTYPE = 54) TTC_MOD_ID - id model car TTC_MFA_ID - id brand car from new version Tecdoc (TAF/DVD after 04/2016) TECHNICAL_INFORMATION - technical info of car (list characteristics of car) *** ENGINES - list code engines --------------------------------- Call function for export table :{email}&password={password}&lang={lang}&onlytype={0} ** ** - onlytype - possible values : 0/empty - all cars, 1 - passanger, 2 - trucks, 3 - motorcycles *** - some vehicles not have language data for all langauges, in this case empty data will subtitute data from English langauge