TABLE OF CHARACTERISTICS (CRITERIA) PARTS (MainTablePartsCRI.csv) *** ----- TTC_ART_ID– (now is empty, at moment main index are ARTNUM + BRAND) BRAND – brand name manufacturer parts CODE_PART – search code parts (no dots, spaces, and additional characters); CODE_PARTS_ADVANCED – code parts specified by the manufacturer NAMECRITERIA– name of criterion spare parts (characteristic) VALUECRITERIA – value of criterion spare parts LANG – iso code language --------------------------------- Call function for export table :{email}&password={password}&lang={lang}&brand=NAME_BRAND ** ** - we providing possibility filtering to only necessary trade groups, this list can settings in "CATALOG [SEARCH FORM]" => "SELECTION-BRANDS-AND-TABLES". Filtering will workings only in case use necessary "lang" for which was made settings *** - some products not have language data for all langauges, in this case empty data will subtitute data from English langauge