DATA TABLE PRODUCTS ----- 'Type', -- type quantity ... by default "simple" 'SKU', -- "BRAND-ARTNUMBER" 'Name', -- NAME PRODUCT 'Published', -- DEFAULT "1" 'Is featured?', -- DEFAULT "0" 'Visibility in catalog', -- DEFAULT "visible" 'Short description', -- SHORT LIST CRITERIES 'Description', -- CONTENT TEXT : "BRAND ARTNUMBER NAME PRODUCT LIST CRITERIES LIST APLICABILITY MANUFACTURES" 'Weight (kg)', -- Weight IF IS AVAILABLE 'Length (cm)', -- Length IF IS AVAILABLE 'Width (cm)', -- Width IF IS AVAILABLE 'Height (cm)', -- Height IF IS AVAILABLE 'Categories', -- "ASSEMBLY GROUP | NAME PRODUCT" 'Tags', -- LIST CROSSNUMBERS "ARTNUMBER_FULL|ARTNUMBER_SHORT|..." 'Images', -- "URL1|URL2|..." 'Vehicle', -- LIST NAME OF VEHICLES from table "WOOCOMMERCE.module.vehicles", sepataor between cars "|" 'Attribute 1 name', -- DEFAULT "brand" 'Attribute 1 value(s)', -- NAME BRAND 'Attribute 1 visible', -- DEFAULT "1" 'Attribute 1 global', -- DEFAULT "1" 'Attribute 2 name', -- NAME CRITERIES "FILLITING POSITION" ACCORDING NECESSARY LANGUAGE 'Attribute 2 value(s)', -- VALUE FITTING POSITION IS AVAILABLE 'Attribute 2 visible', -- IF VALUE FITTING POSITION IS AVAILABLE THEN "1" ELSE "0" 'Attribute 2 global' -- IF VALUE FITTING POSITION IS AVAILABLE THEN "1" ELSE "0" --------------------------------- Call function for export table :{email}&password={password}&lang={lang}&brand=NAME_BRAND&onlytype=0&onlyforcars=&usingfortradegroups=1 ** ** lang - iso code lanaguage, example EN, DE, FR brand - name brand, list available brands onlytype - possible values : 0/empty - all cars, 1 - passanger, 2 - trucks, 3 - motorcycles onlyforcars - name manufacturers of car, in case empty value then export for all cars, also possible export for list brands with separator "|", for example "AUDI|BMW|SEAT" usingfortradegroups - filtering to only necessary trade groups : 1/other, 1 - enable filtering, any other value not enable filtering. This list can settings in "CATALOG [SEARCH FORM]" => "SELECTION-BRANDS-AND-TABLES". Filtering will workings only in case use necessary "lang" for which was made settings *** - some products not have language data for all langauges, in this case empty data will subtitute data from English langauge