DATA TABLE VEHICLES ----- TYP_ID - id car NAME_CAR - GENERATED NAME VEHICLE (sepator comma ",") : MANUFACTURER,MODEL [RANGE YEARS MODEL],RANGE YEARS MODELS, ENGINE CCM/KW/HP [RANGE YEARS THIS TYPE] -- sample "BMW,1 (E81) [2006-2012],2006-2012,116d 1995cc/66kw/90hp [2011/01-2011/12]" --------------------------------- Call function for export table :{email}&password={password}&lang={lang}&brand=NAME_BRAND&onlytype= ** ** lang - iso code lanaguage, example EN, DE, FR brand - name manufacturers of car, in case empty value then export all cars, also possible export for list brand with separator "|", for example "AUDI|BMW|SEAT" onlytype - possible values : 0/empty - all cars, 1 - passanger, 2 - trucks, 3 - motorcycles *** - some products not have language data for all langauges, in this case empty data will subtitute data from English langauge