FIXED FOR WORK WITH TAF DATABASE ----- TABLE CARS WITH PARAMETERS IN SEPARATE COLUMNS POSSIBLE COLUMNS : VehicleType - 2, 16 (2-passanger/motorcycles, 16-truck) VehicleID - KTYPE (passanger), NTYPE (truck) ModelID - id model ManufacturerID - id manufacturer Manufacturer - name manufacturer Model - name model Series - type KW - kw HP - hp (or from hp - for truck) CC - ccm EngineID - list code ID EngineCode - list engine codes (long code) EngineCode2 - list engine codes (short code - without space and additional symbols) Cylinders - count cylinder Valves - count valves ModelDateFrom - model year from ModelDateTo - model year to YearFrom - type year from YearTo - type year to BodyType - body type Catalyst - catalyst FuelType FuelSuply DriveType ------------------------- Call function for export table :{email}&password={password}&lang=EN ** ** - lang - iso code language, for example EN