GET LIST IMAGES BINDED FOR PRODUCTS FIXED FOR WORK ON BASED TAF DATABASE ----- BRAND – brand name manufacturer parts CODE_PART – search code parts (no dots, spaces, and additional characters); CODE_PARTS_ADVANCED – code parts specified by the manufacturer NAMEFOLDER - name folder where placed image file NAMEFILE - name file with extension MODE - BY DEFAULT ONLY AS "2" OLD !!! - version catalog, where 1-old version Tecdoc DVD, 2-new version TAF data, 3-own images --------------------------------- Call function for export table :{email}&password={password}&brand=NAME_BRAND&lang={lang}&only=BMP|GIF|JPG|PNG *** *** OLD !!! - mode can will as 0/empty - all version data, 1 - according old DVD structure, 2 - new version TAF data, 3 - own images ... BY DEFAULT ONLY FROM NEW TAF DATA - only - necessary format files ... if empty then all files that are binded to products, else set format, also can set several formats with separator "|" ... list possible formats: URL BMP GIF JPG PDF PNG - lang - iso code necessary language, for example EN or DE - we providing possibility filtering to only necessary trade groups, this list can settings in "CATALOG [SEARCH FORM]" => "SELECTION-BRANDS-AND-TABLES". Filtering will workings only in case use necessary "lang" for which was made settings ***************************** SOME NOTES : - images that use mode = 2 (new version Tecdoc) is cost 10EUR/brand. Make order you can here (in comment payment need put list payed necessary brands). Prepare, arhiving and uploading images can take some time. - complete images for all brands for mode = 2 (new version Tecdoc) are cost 200 EUR. Make order you can here (current version and count brands in package you can ask here ) - list available brands for mode 2 (new version Tecdoc - summary size all brands is ~ 1.3TB)