- about service http://cars-parts-services.com/services-api-integration/57-web-service-rest-api-mysql-to-jsonxmlcsvtxt.html - about program-server http://cars-parts-services.com/ready-data-for-use-softwares-images-csvxlsxml-tables-database/56-mysql-http-bridge-rest-api-server.html - about WebCatalog (program for test functions server) http://cars-parts-services.com/ready-data-for-use-softwares-images-csvxlsxml-tables-database/58-web-service-catalog-parts.html LIST STANDARD FUNCTIONS WHICH INCLUDED IN MONTHLY PAYMENT -------------------------------------------- [getAdditionalInfoAplicability] - get additional info for terms of use product for set car [getAdditionalInfoArticle] - get additional info for product [GetArticlesForKBA] - get list products that using for cars according set KBA number (for Germany) [GetArticlesForMime] - get list products that using for cars according set MIME number (for France) [GetArticlesForType] - get list products that using for cars according set k-type|typ_id number [GetArtidByReference] - get art_id for searching reference number with/without name brand/id_supplier [GetArticlesForSupplier] - get art_id for selected supplier (name brand/id_supplier) [GetBrands] - get list brands for OE and OEM products [GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle] - get list criteries aplicability (terms of use) product for car [getCriteriesOfArticle] - get list criteries for product [GetCrossReferencesForArticle] - get list cross reference data for set article [getImageForArticle] - get directly url link for image(s) [GetInfoArticle] - get main data for article [getInfoCar] - get main data for car [GetInfoEngine] - get main data for engine [getLanguages] - get list langauges [GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup] - get list articles for selected category the trade group [GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory] - get list articles for selected category the tree categories [getListEnginesForCar] - get list engines for set car [GetListReplacedNumbersArticle] - get list replaced numbers of products [GetListTradeGroupsForCar] - get list trade groups fro set car [getManufacturers] - get list manufacturers of cars [getModels] - get list models [GetPriceFromSupplier] - get price(s) product that proposed from supplier [getSearchArticleByNameForCar] - get list products according necessary name product(s) for set car [getSearchByCrossref] - get list cross reference numbers for search word (trade number product) [GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand] - get list cross reference numbers according set search word (trade number product) and brand [GetSearchCarByname] - get list vehicles according search by name type car [GetSearchEngineByCode] - get list engines according search word fro code engine(s) [getSearchKBA] - get list cars for set KBA number (for German) [getSearchMIME] - get list cars for set KBA number (for German) [GetSpecificationArticle] - get list specification for kit products [GetSuppliers] - get list suppliers [GetTreeCategories] - get tree categories for set car [getTypes] - get list types cars [GetTypesForArticle] - get list types of cars for which using set product -------------------------------------------- WE OFFER THE SERVICE OF USING PERSONAL QUERIES WHERE THE DATA WILL CORRESPOND TO YOUR NEEDS IN THE REQUIRED STRUCTURE AND DATA FORMAT. THE PRICE IS FROM $ 10 TO $ 100 AND DEPENDS FROM THE NECESSARY STRUCTURE OF THE TABLES. SUBMIT REQUEST http://cars-parts-services.com/contact-us **************** DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONS FOR POSSIBLE CREATE CATALOG ****************** 1. Selecting necessary car [getManufacturers] => [getModels] => [getTypes]. Or do search via KBA [getSearchKBA], MIME [getSearchMIME], by name car [GetSearchCarByname]. Show info about selected car [getInfoCar], [GetInfoEngine] 2. According selected car do creating tree categories [GetTreeCategories] or table trade group [GetListTradeGroupsForCar] or directly via [GetArticlesForType] 3. Creating list products according selected car and necessary category from tree categories [GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory] OR from trade groups [GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup] 4. Show info about product : criteries [getCriteriesOfArticle], aplicability [GetTypesForArticle], Additional Info Aplicability [getAdditionalInfoAplicability], additional info [getAdditionalInfoArticle] ,ross-reference numbers [GetCrossReferencesForArticle], terms of use [GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle], additional info, specification [GetSpecificationArticle] ************************************************************************************* ----------------- [getAdditionalInfoAplicability] ----------------- getAdditionalInfoAplicability Function for view additional info terms of use product for vehicle ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [laid] - value id description/criteries terms of use product for car (for use in function "GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle") ------ output fields : [infotext] - text ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoAplicability?laid=1453322&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoAplicability?laid=1453322&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoAplicability?laid=1453322&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoAplicability?laid=1453322&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoAplicability?laid=1453322&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoAplicability?laid=1453322 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getAdditionalInfoArticle] ----------------- getAdditionalInfoArticle Function for view additional info for product ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [artid] - id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [infotext] - text ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoArticle?artid=1453322&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoArticle?artid=1453322&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoArticle?artid=1453322&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoArticle?artid=1453322&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoArticle?artid=1453322&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getAdditionalInfoArticle?artid=1453322 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetArticlesForSupplier] ----------------- GetArticlesForSupplier Function for view list all products that use for selected brand ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [braid] OR [brand] - id brand OR name brand (can use any one from those), if mandatory value ------ output fields : [artid] - id product (art_id) [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [searchnr] - number product [name] - name product ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?braid=101&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?braid=101&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?braid=101&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?braid=101&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?braid=101&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?braid=101 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForSupplier?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetArticlesForKBA] ----------------- GetArticlesForKBA Function for Germany country for view list products that using for found car (which use set KBA number) ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client [seccode] - value security code for registered client [kba] - KBA value for search ------ output fields : [typid] - value id car (typ_id / k-type) [artid] - value id product (art_id) [laid] - value id description/criteries terms of use product for car (for use in function "GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle") ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForKBA?kba=0005124&format=XML http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForKBA?kba=0005124&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForKBA?kba=0005124&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForKBA?kba=0005124&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForKBA?kba=0005124&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForKBA?kba=0005124 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetArticlesForMime] ----------------- GetArticlesForMime Function for France country for view list products that using for found car (which use set Mime number) ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client [seccode] - value security code for registered client [mime] - mime value for search ------ output fields : [typid] - value id car (typ_id / k-type) [artid] - value id product (art_id) [laid] - value id description/criteries terms of use product for car (for use in function "GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle") ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForMime?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=XML http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForMime?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=JSON http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForMime?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=CSV[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForMime?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=CSV[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForMime?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForMime?mime=MBM5512CK851 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetArticlesForType] ----------------- GetArticlesForType Function for view list all products that use for found car with necessary k-type number (id car/typ_id) ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [typid] - k-type value (id car/typ_id) (value is mandatory) ------ output fields : [typid] - value id car (typ_id / k-type) [artid] - value id product (art_id) [laid] - value id description/criteries terms of use product for car (for use in function "GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle") ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForType?typid=9045&format=xml http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForType?typid=9045&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForType?typid=9045&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForType?typid=9045&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForType?typid=9045&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArticlesForType?typid=9045 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetArtidByReference] ----------------- GetArtidByReference Function for get art_id for searching reference number with/without name brand/id_supplier ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [search] - search cross reference number [braid] OR [brand] - id brand OR name brand (can use any one from those), or miss any from those values ------ output fields : [artid] - id product (art_id) [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [searchnr] - number product [name] - name product ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?braid=101&search=02354&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?braid=101&search=02354&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?braid=101&search=02354&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?braid=101&search=02354&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?braid=101&search=02354&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?braid=101&search=02354 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetArtidByReference?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetBrands] ----------------- GetBrands Function for view list brands that are in own database (included OE, OEM brands) ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) ------ output fields : [braid] - id brand [mfccode] - short name brand (not using in other functions) [brand] - name brand [mfnr] - additional id brand (not using in other functions) ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetBrands?format=xml http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetBrands?format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetBrands?format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetBrands?format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetBrands?format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetBrands ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle] ----------------- GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle Function for view criteries for term of use product for car ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [laid] - value id description/criteries terms of use product for car ------ output fields : [criteria_text] - name critery [criteria_value] - value critery ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle?laid=4&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle?laid=4&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle?laid=4&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle?laid=4&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle?laid=4&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle?laid=4 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getCriteriesOfArticle] ----------------- getCriteriesOfArticle Function for view main criteries for product (in case if need terms of use then need use function "GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle") ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [artid] - value id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [criteria_text] - name critery [criteria_value] - value critery ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getCriteriesOfArticle?artid=4&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getCriteriesOfArticle?artid=4&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getCriteriesOfArticle?artid=4&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getCriteriesOfArticle?artid=4&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getCriteriesOfArticle?artid=4&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getCriteriesOfArticle?artid=4 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetCrossReferencesForArticle] ----------------- GetCrossReferencesForArticle Function for view list cross reference numbers for set product ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [artid] - value id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [searchnr] - short the number product (modified nyumber where are cleaned from additional symbols, are left only symbols 0..9, a..z, A..Z) [displaynr] - trade number manufacturer (or number which set supplier) [name] - name product [kind] - type number: 1 - product for which is search 2 - trade number (user number) 3 - original (structural) number 4 - after market analogue 5 - bar-code (number EAN) ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCrossReferencesForArticle?artid=1498871&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCrossReferencesForArticle?artid=1498871&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCrossReferencesForArticle?artid=1498871&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCrossReferencesForArticle?artid=1498871&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCrossReferencesForArticle?artid=1498871&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetCrossReferencesForArticle?artid=1498871 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getImageForArticle] ----------------- getImageForArticle FUNCTIONS IS YET NOT READY, AT MOMENT IS UPLOADING IMAGES Function for get path to image(s) ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [artid] - value id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [braid] - directly path to image ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getImageForArticle?artid=1000002&format=xml http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getImageForArticle?artid=1000002&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getImageForArticle?artid=1000002&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getImageForArticle?artid=1000002&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getImageForArticle?artid=1000002&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getImageForArticle?artid=1000002 ===================== -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetInfoArticle] ----------------- GetInfoArticle Function for view main data of product ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [artid] - value id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [artid] - id product [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [articlenr] - trade number product [name] - name product [additionalforname] - additional info to name product [statusproduct] - status product ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoArticle?artid=1000002&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoArticle?artid=1000002&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoArticle?artid=1000002&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoArticle?artid=1000002&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoArticle?artid=1000002&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoArticle?artid=1000002 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getInfoCar] ----------------- getInfoCar Function for view main data of product ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [typid] - value id car (typ_id/k-type number) ------ output fields : [mfaid] - id manufacturer / id brand [modid] - id model [typid] - if type of car [brand] - name manufacturer / name brand [modelcar] - name model [typecar] - name type of car [pconstart] - start year release [pconend] - end year release [bodytype] - body type [kw] - kw [hp] - HP [ccm] - CCM [cylinders] - count cylinders [doors] - count doors [tank] - type tank [voltage] - voltage [typeabs] - type abs [typeasr] - type asr [typeengine] - type engine [listcodeengine] - list engine codes (separate symbol ","). More info about engine you can get with help functions "getListEnginesForCar" and "GetInfoEngine" [braketype] - type brake [brakesystem] - system brake [typefuel] - type fuel [typecatalyst] - type catalyst [maxweight] - max weight (for trucks and commercial cars) [typeaxle] - type axle [ccmtax] - ccm [litres] - litres [valves] - count valves on one cylinder [typedrive] - type drive [typetrans] - type transmission [fuelsuply] - type fuel suply ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getInfoCar?typid=9045&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getInfoCar?typid=9045&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getInfoCar?typid=9045&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getInfoCar?typid=9045&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getInfoCar?typid=9045&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getInfoCar?typid=9045 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetInfoEngine] ----------------- GetInfoEngine Function for view info of engine ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [engid] - id engine (get list engine for necessary car can with help function "getListEnginesForCar") ------ output fields : [engid] - id engine [mfaid] - id manufacturer / id brand [code] - code engine [pconstart] - start year release [pconend] - end year release [kwfrom] - kw from [kwupto] - kw upto [hpfrom] - hp from [hpupto] - hp upto [valves] - sum valvers for engine [cylinders] - count cylinder [ccmfrom] - ccm from [ccmupto] - ccm upto [design] - design engine [fueltype] - fuel type [fuelsuply] - type fuel suply [description] - additional description [typeengine] - type engine [kwrpmfrom] - kw rpm from [kwrpmupto] - kw rpm upto [torquefrom] - torgue from [torqueupto] - torgue upto [torquerpmfrom] - torgue rpm from [torquerpmend] - torgue rpm upto [compressionfrom] - compression from [compressionupto] - compression upto [drilling] - drilling [extension] - extension [crankshaft] - crankshaft [chargetype] - type charge [gasnormtype] - gas type [cylinderstype] - type cylinders [control] - control [valvecontrol] - valve control [cooling] - type cooling ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoEngine?engid=28374&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoEngine?engid=28374&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoEngine?engid=28374&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoEngine?engid=28374&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoEngine?engid=28374&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetInfoEngine?engid=28374 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getLanguages] ----------------- getLanguages Function for view list languages ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr ------ output fields : [lngid] - id language [name] - name language [lngiso2] - iso2 code to langauge ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getLanguages?format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getLanguages?format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getLanguages?format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getLanguages?format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getLanguages?format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getLanguages ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup] ----------------- GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup Function for view list products according selected trade group for necessary car ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [typid] - id car (typ_id/k-type number) [gaid] - id trade group (value can get from function "GetListTradeGroupsForCar") ------ output fields : [artid] - id product [laid] - value id description/criteries terms of use product for car (for use in function "GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle") ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup?typid=9045&gaid=416&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup?typid=9045&gaid=416&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup?typid=9045&gaid=416&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup?typid=9045&gaid=416&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup?typid=9045&gaid=416&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTradeGroup?typid=9045&gaid=416 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory] ----------------- GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory Function for view list products according selected category in tree categories for necessary car ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [typid] - id car (typ_id/k-type number) [strid] - id category in tree categories (value can get from function "GetTreeCategories") ------ output fields : [artid] - id product [laid] - value id description/criteries terms of use product for car (for use in function "GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle") ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory?typid=9045&format=XML&strid=10511 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory?typid=9045&format=json&strid=10511 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory?typid=9045&format=csv[;]&strid=10511 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory?typid=9045&format=csv[,]&strid=10511 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory?typid=9045&format=txt[tab]&strid=10511 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListArticlesFromTreeCategory?typid=9045&strid=10511 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getListEnginesForCar] ----------------- getListEnginesForCar Function for view list engine(s) for necessary car ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [typid] - id car (typ_id/k-type number) ------ output fields : [engid] - id engine (more info about engine you can get with help function "GetInfoEngine") [code] - code engine ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getListEnginesForCar?typid=9045&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getListEnginesForCar?typid=9045&format=xml http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getListEnginesForCar?typid=9045&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getListEnginesForCar?typid=9045&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getListEnginesForCar?typid=9045&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getListEnginesForCar?typid=9045 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetListReplacedNumbersArticle] ----------------- GetListReplacedNumbersArticle Function for view list code parts that was replaced on new numbers ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [artid] - value id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [articlenr] - active article number [oldarticlenr] - old article number ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListReplacedNumbersArticle?artid=3311&format=XML http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListReplacedNumbersArticle?artid=3311&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListReplacedNumbersArticle?artid=3311&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListReplacedNumbersArticle?artid=3311&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListReplacedNumbersArticle?artid=3311&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListReplacedNumbersArticle?artid=3311 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetListTradeGroupsForCar] ----------------- GetListTradeGroupsForCar Function for view list trade groups for necessary car ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [typid] - id car (typ_id/k-type number) ------ output fields : [typid] - id car (typ_id / k-type number) [gaid] - id trade group [ganame] - full name trade group [gastandard] - short the name trade group [gaassembly] - assembly part where use product [gaintended] - system for which is intended product ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListTradeGroupsForCar?typid=9045&format=XML&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListTradeGroupsForCar?typid=9045&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListTradeGroupsForCar?typid=9045&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListTradeGroupsForCar?typid=9045&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListTradeGroupsForCar?typid=9045&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetListTradeGroupsForCar?typid=9045 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getManufacturers] ----------------- getManufacturers Function for view list manufacturers of vehicles ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [only] - need type vehicle (value is not mandatory, by default all vehicles) possible values : 1 - only passanger 2 - only truck 3 - motorcycles [year] - year release car (value is not mandatory, by default all years) ------ output fields : [mfaid] - id manufacturer / id brand [brand] - name brand [mfccode] - short name brand [mfnr] - additioonal id manufacturer (not using in other tables) [includedtype] - will view when will set value "only" ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers?year=2006&only=1&format=XML http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers?year=2006&only=1&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers?year=2006&only=1&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers?year=2006&only=1&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers?year=2006&only=1&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers?year=2006&only=1 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers?year=2006 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers?only=1 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getManufacturers ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getModels] ----------------- getModels Function for view list manufacturers of vehicles ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [only] - need type vehicle (value is not mandatory, by default all vehicles) possible values : 1 - only passanger 2 - only truck 3 - motorcycles [year] - year release car (value is not mandatory, by default all years) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [mfaid] - id manufacturer of vehicle / id brand of car (value is not mandatory, by default will all models) ------ output fields : [mfaid] - id manufacturer / id brand [modid] - id model [brand] - name brand [modelcar] - name model [pconstart] - start year release [pconend] - end year release [includedtype] - will view when will set value "only" ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels?mfaid=511&year=2016&only=1&format=XML&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels?mfaid=511&year=2016&only=1&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels?mfaid=511&year=2016&only=1&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels?mfaid=511&year=2016&only=1&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels?mfaid=511&year=2016&only=1&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels?mfaid=511&year=2016&only=1 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels?mfaid=511&year=1990 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels?mfaid=511 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getModels ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetPriceFromSupplier] ----------------- GetPriceFromSupplier Function for view price product that proposed from supplier (prices are not for all products) ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [artid] - id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [artid] - id product (art_id) [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [articlenr] - trade number product [name] - name product [price] - price [currencycode] - currency code ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetPriceFromSupplier?artid=939&format=XML&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetPriceFromSupplier?artid=939&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetPriceFromSupplier?artid=939&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetPriceFromSupplier?artid=939&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetPriceFromSupplier?artid=939&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetPriceFromSupplier?artid=939 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getSearchArticleByNameForCar] ----------------- getSearchArticleByNameForCar Function for search by name product that use for necessary car ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [typid] - id car (typ_id / k-type number) [search] - search word(s) for necessary langauge (for example for English language "brake pad") ------ output fields : [artid] - id product (art_id) [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [articlenr] - trade number product [name] - name product [laid] - value id description/criteries terms of use product for car (for use in function "GetCriteriesAplicabilityOfArticle") ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchArticleByNameForCar?typid=9045&search=water%20pump&format=json&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchArticleByNameForCar?typid=9045&search=water%20pump&format=xml&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchArticleByNameForCar?typid=9045&search=water%20pump&format=csv[;]&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchArticleByNameForCar?typid=9045&search=water%20pump&format=csv[,]&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchArticleByNameForCar?typid=9045&search=water%20pump&format=txt[tab]&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchArticleByNameForCar?typid=9045&search=water%20pump&lang=en ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getSearchByCrossref] ----------------- getSearchByCrossref Function for search list analogs [brand + code] part according set cross reference number ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [search] - search cross reference number ------ output fields : [artid] - id product (art_id) [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [searchnr] - short the number product (modified nyumber where are cleaned from additional symbols, are left only symbols 0..9, a..z, A..Z) [name] - name product ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchByCrossref?search=02354&format=json&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchByCrossref?search=02354&format=xml&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchByCrossref?search=02354&format=csv[;]&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchByCrossref?search=02354&format=csv[,]&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchByCrossref?search=02354&format=txt[tab]&lang=en http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchByCrossref?search=02354 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand] ----------------- GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand Function for search list analogs [brand + code] part according set cross reference number and brand ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [search] - search cross reference number [braid] OR [brand] - id brand OR name brand (can use any one from those) ------ output fields : [artid] - id product (art_id) [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [searchnr] - short the number product (modified nyumber where are cleaned from additional symbols, are left only symbols 0..9, a..z, A..Z) [name] - name product ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?braid=101&search=02354&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?braid=101&search=02354&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?braid=101&search=02354&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?braid=101&search=02354&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?braid=101&search=02354&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?braid=101&search=02354 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchByCrossrefAndBrand?brand=FEBI%20BILSTEIN&search=02354 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetSearchCarByname] ----------------- GetSearchCarByname Function for search vehicles according by name vehicle ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [search] - search word (for example "bmw e39") [year] - year release car ------ output fields : [typid] - id car (typ_id / k-type number) [name] - name type car ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchCarByname?year=2000&search=bmw%20e39%20525&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchCarByname?year=2000&search=bmw%20e39%20525&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchCarByname?year=2000&search=bmw%20e39%20525&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchCarByname?year=2000&search=bmw%20e39%20525&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchCarByname?year=2000&search=bmw%20e39%20525&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchCarByname?year=2000&search=bmw%20e39%20525 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchCarByname?search=bmw%20e39%20525 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetSearchEngineByCode] ----------------- GetSearchEngineByCode Function for search list engine(s) according set code engine ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [search] - search code engine ------ output fields : [engid] - id engine (more info about engine you can get with help function "GetInfoEngine") [code] - code engine ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchEngineByCode?search=108&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchEngineByCode?search=108&format=xml http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchEngineByCode?search=108&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchEngineByCode?search=108&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchEngineByCode?search=108&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSearchEngineByCode?search=108 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getSearchKBA] ----------------- getSearchKBA Function for search car(s) according set KBA number ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [kba] - full KBA number ------ output fields : [typid] - id car (typ_id / k-type number) [kbanumber] - kba number ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchKBA?kba=0005624&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchKBA?kba=0005624&format=xml http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchKBA?kba=0005624&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchKBA?kba=0005624&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchKBA?kba=0005624&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchKBA?kba=0005624 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getSearchMIME] ----------------- getSearchMIME Function for search car(s) according set MIME number ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [mime] - full MIME number ------ output fields : [typid] - id car (typ_id / k-type number) [mimenumber] - MIME number ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchMIME?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchMIME?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=xml http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchMIME?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchMIME?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchMIME?mime=MBM5512CK851&format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getSearchMIME?mime=MBM5512CK851 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetSpecificationArticle] ----------------- GetSpecificationArticle Function for view of specification kit products in case if there are included set product OR this prodcut is as kit ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [artid] - id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [artid] - id product (art_id) [braid] - id brand [brand] - brand [displaynr] - trade number kit products [name] - name kit products [artidcomponent] - id product component [displaynrcomponent] - trade number component [namecomponent] - name component [qt] - quantity component in kit ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSpecificationArticle?ARTID=73807&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSpecificationArticle?ARTID=73807&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSpecificationArticle?ARTID=73807&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSpecificationArticle?ARTID=73807&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSpecificationArticle?ARTID=73807&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSpecificationArticle?ARTID=73807 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetSuppliers] ----------------- GetSuppliers Function for view list suppliers ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) ------ output fields : [braid] - id brand [brand] - name brand [suppliernr] - additional id supplier ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSuppliers?format=json http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSuppliers?format=xml http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSuppliers?format=csv[;] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSuppliers?format=csv[,] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSuppliers?format=txt[tab] http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetSuppliers ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetTreeCategories] ----------------- GetTreeCategories Function for view tree categories for necessary car ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [typid] - id car (typ_id/k-type number) [strtype] - type of product group 1 - passenger cars 2 - truck cars 3 - engine 4 - universal 5 - axle ----- output fields : [level] - active level for tree [text1] - name category fro 1 level [id1] - id category fro 1 level [text2] - name category fro 2 level [id2] - id category fro 2 level [text3] - name category fro 3 level [id3] - id category fro 3 level [text4] - name category fro 4 level [id4] - id category fro 4 level [text5] - name category fro 5 level [id5] - id category fro 5 level ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTreeCategories?typid=9045&strtype=1&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTreeCategories?typid=9045&strtype=1&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTreeCategories?typid=9045&strtype=1&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTreeCategories?typid=9045&strtype=1&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTreeCategories?typid=9045&strtype=1&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTreeCategories?typid=9045&strtype=1 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [getTypes] ----------------- getTypes Function for view list types of vehicles ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [only] - need type vehicle (value is not mandatory, by default all vehicles) possible values : 1 - only passanger 2 - only truck 3 - motorcycles [year] - year release car (value is not mandatory, by default all years) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [modid] - id model ------ output fields : [mfaid] - id manufacturer / id brand [modid] - id model [typid] - id car (typ_id / k-type number) [brand] - name brand [modelcar] - name model car [shortnametypecar] - short then name car [fullnametypecar] - full name car [pconstart] - from year realesa [pconend] - to year realesa [bodytype] - body type [kw] - kw [hp] - hp [ccm] - ccm [typefuel] - fuel type [listcodeengine] - list codes engine(s) [includedtype] - will view when will set value "only" ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getTypes?modid=511&year=1995&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getTypes?modid=511&year=1995&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getTypes?modid=511&year=1995&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getTypes?modid=511&year=1995&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getTypes?modid=511&year=1995&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getTypes?modid=511&year=1995 http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/getTypes?modid=511 ======================= -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- [GetTypesForArticle] ----------------- GetTypesForArticle Function for view list types of vehicles for which using set product ------ input parameters : [format] - select necessary output format data, are possible formats : JSON, XML, CSV[;], CSV[,], TXT[TAB] (value is not mandatory, is by default JSON) [email] - value email for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [seccode] - value security code for registered client (value is not mandatory, by default will for demo client) [lang] - iso2 code language (value is not mandatory, by default will for english language "en"), possible values : Bulgarian = bg Czech = cs Danish = da Dutch = nl English = en Estonian = et Finnish = fi French = fr German = de Greek = el Hungarian = hu Italian = it Latvian = lv Lithuanian = lt Norwegian = no Polish = pl Portuguese = pt Romanian = ro Russian = ru Serbian = sr Slovak = sk Slovenian = sl Spanish = es Swedish = sv Turkish = tr [artid] - id product (art_id) ------ output fields : [mfaid] - id manufacturer / id brand [modid] - id model [typid] - id car (typ_id / k-type number) [brand] - name brand [modelcar] - name model car [shortnametypecar] - short then name car [fullnametypecar] - full name car [pconstart] - from year realesa [pconend] - to year realesa [bodytype] - body type [kw] - kw [hp] - hp [ccm] - ccm [typefuel] - fuel type [listcodeengine] - list codes engine(s) ------ samples : http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTypesForArticle?artid=1000025&format=xml&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTypesForArticle?artid=1000025&format=json&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTypesForArticle?artid=1000025&format=csv[;]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTypesForArticle?artid=1000025&format=csv[,]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTypesForArticle?artid=1000025&format=txt[tab]&lang=de http://webservice.bovsoft.com:100/GetTypesForArticle?artid=1000025 ======================= --------------------------------------------------